
This is a demo of Paradigm Automation's most recent project How2Car. How2Car is new car buying expereince, designed as a dual facing application for both car dealers and buyers. My role as a front-end developer on this project, is to design and build intelligent components using React.js and Redux. My most recent being the brand new accessoy page, go check it out (and excuse the stock photos).

Movie Journal

Movie Journal is a SPA I built using the MERN stack structure. It's a simple app that allows you to catalog and record your thoughts about each movie you watch. I used Passport.js and B-Crypt to incorporate basic authentication, MongoDB and Mongoose to connect the database, Express.js and Node.js for my server, and of course React.js for my UI.

Towers of Hanoi

This Towers of Hanoi is a version of the age old classic puzzle, give it a try and see how you do. This game was one of the first applications I built using React.js and for that I will be forever proud of this lttle gem!

Foundry HTML and CSS Mockup

This mockup doesn't do anything fancy, it just looks awesome! I wanted a chance to work on my CSS skills and create something visually striking, and so, using plain old fashioned HTML and CSS this page was born.

More projects coming soon!